How to Set Your Perfect Birth Scene

My sister was 38 weeks pregnant when her husband walked out on her.  She was left with a house to maintain, a puppy to care for and a baby ready to enter the world any day. She had prepared for a natural birth, but with her drastic change in circumstances would she be able to follow through with her plan? Well, as the quote hanging on the wall over her head in the birthing room read -- "She believed she could, so she did." 

Now, I know that my sister’s situation was pretty difficult, but helping her focus on making the birthing experience the most ideal it could be helped her attain her goal of having her first baby naturally.  How did we do this?  We focused on tapping into the five senses.  I know from my three birth experiences that the environment, the energy in the room and the attitude of the laboring mom sets the tone for the birth. With the absence of her husband, it would have been easier for her to abort her plan and elect to get an epidural. I knew she would be upset if she did that, so I made it my mission to help my sister.

I researched everything I could about keeping someone calm and relaxed in a challenging situation.  Being registered through Yoga Alliance as a Certified Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Instructor, I am no stranger to helping women calm the senses and go inward.  But helping a laboring woman remain calm and relaxed and go inward, as her body prepares to birth a baby, is much different.  We worked together and talked about what smells, foods, sounds, sights and things she found most appealing and relaxing. 

Here was the scene in Labor & Delivery Room #5 on June 21, 2017:

The scent of doTERRA lavender was diffused in the air from a mood light diffuser. Very chill acoustic music played softly in the background. Empowering affirmations were framed and displayed on a counter next the birth tub.  On that same counter was a large frame in the shape of a house with four pictures in it.  Pictures in the frame were Amanda and our grandma dancing, Amanda and her puppy Frisco, a picture of Amanda and our dearly departed cousin Keith and a picture of the two of us, happy pictures sure to keep her in the right frame of mind and in good spirits.  Several other birth affirmations where hung on the walls around the room.  A string of soft white lights hung around her birth tub.  She had plenty of thirst quenching drinks and pre-sliced watermelon to keep her hydrated and fueled throughout the day. 

My sister had me remind her to "breathe down.”  On the inhale, she focused on activating her core strength. On the exhales, she visualized opening and dilating- opening your cervix like a blooming flower- corny I know- but the visualization worked for her.   On the active exhales, she engaged her lower abdomen and pushed down.  At 5:21pm, after just a couple of deep active exhales, the most beautiful and perfect baby boy was born without any medical intervention.

After the birth of her son, my sister told me right there in the birthing room that this was the most empowering and exhilarating moment in her life. I was so proud of her. As I write this, I have tears in my eyes remembering what it was like to be at my sister’s side and watch as my perfect nephew was born. 

So, my message to you is that, no matter your life circumstances or how you plan to give birth, make sure to surround yourself with all the things that make you feel relaxed and calm. Think of your 5 senses and plan accordingly.

SMELL- diffuse your favorite sent throughout the room. Some common scents are lavender (relaxation) and citrus (energizing).

SIGHT- put up pictures of family, friends or pets that make you happy.  Copies of affirmations and positive quotes that convey supportive messages can be very inspirational. Sign up for our newsletter (link to sign up) to receive printable Avalon Custom Design birth affirmation.

TOUCH- a warm shower or tub, a blanket or pillow that makes you comfortable. Massage by your partner.

SOUND- music that sets the right energy in the room for you, whether it is calming, energizing or something else.  Think about your favorite songs or whether nature sounds, or even silence would set the right mood for you.

TASTE- it is important to have small easily digested power snacks and lots of drinks for hydration readily available. For me is was granola bars but my sister wanted watermelon.  Everyone has their go to snack but some great recommendations are trail mix, granola bars, vitamin water, and/or fruit.

When your surroundings are comfortable, your mind and body will be more comfortable and your birthing experience will be inspiring and positive. 

If you have been inspired by this post and want to learn how to custom design your birth environment but need help getting started come take our next Mindful Birth Workshop or Schedule a private class at your convenience. We are here to help make birth day dreams come true!

Mindful Birth