A Simple Trick on How to Manifest Your Dreams Come True with Mental Imagery/Visualizations

All day long we manifest our reality with our thoughts, some good things, some not so good things. Our thoughts create a chemical reaction in our bodies and we act in our physical world accordingly. WHAT IF WE COULD HARNESS THIS POWERFUL TOOL??? It’s available to us all whether we choose to be aware of it or not. Our thoughts have power…. it’s the essence of OUR INDIVIDUAL POWER. Want to learn a fun and easy trick on how to Manifest Your Dreams Come True? Here are some simple steps, along with a little workbook that the Mindful Birth® doulas created for our Mindful Mamas out there! Enjoy!


Some ways to get clear… meditation, journaling, talking with a trusted friend. A daily, weekly practice of brain dumping of all the thoughts in your head can help… then start to see where the patterns line up… your thoughts will start to tell a story and guide you towards your intention… your goal. Once you have a goal, get clear on this intention.

Step 2: This is a multi-sensory endeavor; what does it look, feel, taste, sound & smell like to be in this body of success? What heightened emotions are linked to this body of success? How do you feel in this body of success?

Step 3: Get into heart coherence- cultivating emotions of appreciation, love & compassion. Stepping into a place of deep gratitude. Making a list of all the things you are grateful for at this moment or doing a quick Loving Kindness/Metta Meditation are a couple of ways to step into an attitude of gratitude.

Step 4: THE SECRET TRICK: Write a letter to the Universe (sub. with God or any other spiritual being/force that feels comfortable for you) THANKING it for everything you wish to manifest…. AS IF IT ALREADY HAPPENED. For those of you who are preparing for birth… write our your dream birth… AS IF IT ALREADY HAPPENED. Do not leave any details out. What does it look, feel, smell, taste & sound like to be immersed in this body of success??? What emotions are your feeling? What kind of sensations are those emotions causing in your body… MAKE THIS AS REAL AS POSSIBLE! Something to keep in the back of your mind as you write, if a stranger were to read your Thank You Letter to the Universe they should think this already happened.

How to Manifest Your Dreams Come True Workbook by Mindful Birth

Step 5: Visualize this scene on a daily basis with a clear mental image of you basking in your success. Read your letter on a regular basis. Play the same music as you visualize so when you play that music it will trigger this clear image. Put up visual anchors (affirmations, pictures) all around you to trigger this positive image. Take time each day to meditate with this clear picture in your mind.

Step 6: Enjoy your dreams coming true!

Need some sciency reasons to give this a try?

One the greatest benefits of visualization is mental preparation. Countless research studies have indicated that visualization can improve performance as much as 45 percent!

 And there many more uses for visualization:

  • To stay relaxed before or between events.

  • To achieve the proper mental state for optimal performance.

  • To manage the physical discomfort that comes with pushing your body to its limits.

  • To increase confidence prior to an event.

  • To compartmentalize negative thoughts.

  • To rebound after a bad event.


Amanda & Jen

Mindful Birth