My Wish For Every Mom-To-Be….

 When I look back at my journey to becoming mom I can’t even wrap my mind around all the hoops I had to jump through.  I am the mother of three, William (9), Harrison(5) & Jaclyn(3). After having my first it didn’t take long before a severe case of postpartum depression settled in and lasted about a year and a half.  I am so sad to type this but I want you to know the truth, that happy go lucky, unicorns and rainbows Jen Watt had suicidal thoughts and resentful feelings towards her first baby. I struggled with breastfeeding, something I assumed would snap on.  William had a hard time latching and didn’t like one of my breasts, so pumping is what I turned to which only lasted two weeks before I let the poor advice of those around me win. “Just quit,” they would say when I confided how hard breastfeeding was.  “Just quit,” over and over for two weeks, and quit I did.  This was a huge trigger for my postpartum depression. There was a lot going on back then, but the main thing lacking was support.  I didn’t ask for it and I never got it.   

My second babies were conceived through IVF, secondary infertility they call it.  Three full rounds of egg retrievals, 50 eggs, only 2 viable embryos from all those eggs retrieved which made my two perfect babies, Harrison & Jaclyn.  IVF is a different form of hell, but I am very grateful for my lessons I learned along the way.  Yoga, mindfulness, acupuncture, spiritual healers and all!  I did everything I could to become the strongest version of myself. I was rewarded by my perfect son Harrison!  The happiest baby on the planet!

My third pregnancy was far from perfect. I was so happy to be pregnant with my girl but had way too much going on for one little human at that time. By mid-pregnancy I had full blown perinatal depression, a depression that happens during pregnancy. The thoughts of harming myself were back and I knew in that moment I needed help. This time I had my toolbox ready to go!  The second I had those self-destructive thoughts I immediately stopped in my tracks and wrote down my long list of people, resources, groups, classes, mindfulness techniques I could assemble in that moment to help me get out of the woods.  AND HELP I GOT!


Moms-to-Be…. Don’t wait until you fall down to know what tools you have at your fingertips! 

On Tuesday November 19th, 7-9pm Avalon Wellness Center in hosting a FREE MINDFULMOMS-TO-BE Event!  Come learn what tools are right at your fingertips over at Avalon Wellness Center.

Find your village, speak with specialists, win prizes, and meet other MindfulMoms-To-Be.

LEARN about resources for your motherhood journey including:

Childbirth Education, Wellness & Mindfulness Coaching, Chiropractic Care, Lactation Support, Birth Doula Services, New Parent Education, Prenatal Yoga, Nutritional Counseling, Sleep Support, and more! Complimentary pelvic screenings will be available to all Moms-to-Be!

RAFFLE PRIZES valued at over $800 of prizes for Prenatal & Postnatal Workshops, Services & Products!!!




Mindful Birth