The Power of Your Feelings

When you step into your power, you are living from your truest intention. From this place of power you draw energy to you like a magnet instead of sending it out. In order to step into your full power you first need to hear your inner-voice, what is your intuition trying to tell you?

That first step is learning to listen! 

“Our intuition is like a muscle; we must practice listening to it and trusting its wisdom. When you take the time to ask and keep listening for the answer, being at peace becomes easy.” ~Lisa Prosen

This is the Mindful Birth mission; this is our passion and purpose…to help families learn to listen and trust their intuition. When you are guided by your intuition and your truest intention, you call upon all your power and are able to use that power to birth, parent & live without fear.

Sounds simple right? Only problem is we have been indoctrinated into a culture of denial, distraction and escapism.  We are trained to forget, distract and pretend everything is ok.  Most of us carry around decades of unprocessed emotions. We have been conditioned to shove our feelings and are told that if we have an outburst it’s “too much.” Our feelings should be contained because if they are too big, they might offend or upset someone else? So, we get small, bottle, distract, numb, whatever it takes to make the voice in our heads less loud. After all, that voice could rock the boat and make people feel uncomfortable, right? We should cage our intuition and put a muzzle on her, right? WRONG! She deserves to be heard! Her feelings matter! Let her out of that locked room in your mind and tell her she matters, her voice matters, it is ok to have feelings because… “FEELINGS ARE FOR FEELING!” ~Glennon Doyle 

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  ~Albert Einstein

It’s time for a rebirth… OF YOU! To call back you power and LISTEN! 

The moment that we make the conscious choice to sit, stay & allow ourselves to “feel” is when we can begin to let go and release emotional blocks… and in doing so we expand and make more room to let the world in… waking up & tuning in to our truest intentions.

Learning to listen non-judgmentally to our inner voices is step 1. Befriending her and listening as you would your best friend is essential.  Why have you been so mean to her all these years and put her down? Why have you ignored her and told her to go away? She loves you and knows what is best for you. All you have to do is listen and be open. What are we afraid of? What is holding you back what is stopping you from listening? Fear is telling you to stay small and not rock the boat, stay where we are, it’s too scary over there. We need to neutralize our fears and worries with an antidote… The opposite of fear is curiosity.  Fear turns you away and curiosity pulls you towards. Fear creates the desire to close down, curiosity creates the desire to expand and explore. Fear brings feelings of danger and turns on fight or flight stress response/ your sympathetic nervous system.  Curiosity keeps our nervous system in calm mode or rest and digest, your parasympathetic nervous system. Which is associated with feelings of safety and  and keeps your body in rest and digest, calm mode/ your parasympathetic nervous system.  

Change is hard no doubt. This new concept of listening to all your feelings might not come naturally but if you stay stuck in your fear you will stay small, limited by others opinions of you and in the box that others have created for you.  If we get curious and listen, we can expand exponentially and live a life of choice & abundance.

Your feelings do not discriminate, they are not personal, they do not care what kind of a day you are having or if it’s the right time to be having feelings. They show up when they show up and if we haven’t made space for them, we may express them in the form of complete shutdown, outbursts or rage.  We can learn to sit with our feelings so we can learn how to feel and move through them so we can release them. When we refuse to let our feelings be felt they get stored and built up, one way or another, THEY WILL COME OUT!

So sit with your feelings, ALL OF THEM. Our thoughts float by uncontrollably through our minds like clouds in the sky. Sometimes the thoughts spark feelings of joy and sometimes they spark feelings of anger and despair. But it’s important to listen without judgment and with curiosity. Maybe it’s just the annoying to do list that pops up first, that’s ok… maybe keep a notebook next to you so you can jot that down really quick and then return to your listening. Next might be a cloud of something that happened the night before with your partner, maybe you need to continue the conversation or let it go. Stay with it, keep listening. Your intuition will guide you.  

When you sit with your thoughts and see which ones bring good sensations into your body and which ones bring difficult sensations you begin to learn a lot about yourself. You learn that things you have been holding on to so tightly start to lose their grip, and as you soften you realize…. “I have space to choose if I want to continue to hold on to this or if I want to let it go.” And with your ability to choose comes your freedom! So feel my friends… FEEL AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER!

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  ~Viktor E. Frankl




Mindful Birth